General Information
  • Version: 7.4
  • Map: 7.4 Realmap (.cam files + original cipsoft leaked files)
  • World Type: PvP
  • Global Save: 05:00 GMT-3
  • Map Clean: Every Monday
  • Host Location: US Miami + Proxy for all regions
  • Estimated Ping: 70-80ms for Brazil, 90-100 for Europe
  • Anti-Bot: custom made client anti-bot.
  • Max clients per Hardware: 1

Server Rates
  • Experience: 1x
  • Magic: 1x
  • Skills: 1x
  • Loot: 1x
  • Attrs Rarity: 1x
  • Regeneration: 1x
  • Spawn: 1x (boost based on players online)

Skull System
  • White Skull Time: 15 minutes
  • Red Skull Time: 15 days
  • Kills Banishment Time: 10 days
  • Frags to Red Skull: 3 daily, 5 weekly, 10 monthly
  • Frags to Banishment: 6 daily, 10 weekly, 20 monthly

  • House Price 100gp per SQM
  • Rent Period: 15 days
  • Rent Price: 20% of house total price
  • Free players could rent a house, but only premium active bed regeneration

Featured Systems
  • HD Graphics
  • Hunt Analyzers
  • Anti Rollback: save all players data if server crash
  • Map Save Protection: save all map tiles if server crash
  • Proxy System: own proxy giving better ping for all regions
  • New Walking System: walk smooth with no lags
  • Cam System: watch your latest gameplays
  • Live Cast System: stream your gameplay instantly
  • Gameplay Features: Read more