Miracle Online is a dynamic game that promotes interaction between players from different parts of the world, combining elements of competition and cooperation. To ensure a fair and enjoyable gaming experience for everyone, We establish a set of rules.

Miracle reserves the right to stop disruptive behavior in the game, on the official website or in any other part of the Miracle Online services. Failure to comply with these rules can lead to various consequences, such as: notifications, ban, permanent ban. In specific situations, extra measures may be taken to correct imbalances caused by violations of the rules, including changes to the character's attributes, partial or total removal of its items, or even deletion of the character.

Such behavior includes, but is not limited to, the following infractions:


1. Names

a) Offensive Name

  • Names that are insulting, racist, sexually related, drug-related, harassing or generally objectionable.

b) Name Containing Forbidden Advertising

  • Names that advertise brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money.

c) Unsuitable Name

  • Names that express religious or political views.

d) Invalid Format

  • It is not allowed to create names containing part of a sentence, nonsensical letter combinations (e.g. "Ehaushsid"), or generally badly formatted (e.g. "Ma-th'eus").

e) Inciting Rule Violation

  • Names that encourage rule breaking, for example: "Bot".

f) Fake Administration

  • It is not allowed names that indicate being a part of the Administration or server system (e.g. "Adm", "GM").

2. Statements

a) Offensive Statement

  • Racist statement or publishing personal information is not allowed.

b) Spamming

  • Excessively repeating identical or similar statements or using badly formatted or nonsensical text.

c) Advertising

  • Advertising brands, products or services of third parties, content which is not related to the game or trades for real money. It is not allowed to advertise trades of any kind that involve the paying of real money. This does not only apply to the trading of real items for cash, but also to offers to buy or sell Miracle items or accounts for real money.

d) Off-Topic Public Statement

  • Religious or political public statements or other public statements which are not related to the topic of the used channel or board.

e) Disclosing Personal Data of Others

  • Disclosing personal data of other people.

f) Supporting Rule Violation

  • Statements that support, incite, announce or imply a violation of the Miracle Rules.

g) Destructive Behavior

  • Carrying out actions with the sole purpose of destroying the server (e.g. causing fud, motivating players to quit the server, killing intentionally for this sole purpose). Note that this last point will be carefully evaluated, only in cases where there is explicit evidence that the player is actually trying to destroy the server.

3. Cheating

a) Bug Abuse

  • Exploiting obvious errors of the game or any other part of Miracle services.

b) Using Unofficial Software to Play

  • prohibited to run any illegal program while playing Miracle, even if that program is running on some other server, it will be catched by the system. Manipulating the official client program or using additional software to play the game. Futhermore, using additional tools to execute in-game actions or sophisticated programs to play the game. Executing the client inside virtual machines is also within this rule.

c) Multi-clienting

  • It is established that each player can only have one character online. Online meant that the character stays in the game, controlled or not, connected with the client or not. Doing x-log action (exiting the game), while the character cannot be logged out, and then logging in with another character, is a violation per having two characters online at a time. The number of the used clients, devices or network addresses is irrelevant — one player must simply not keep more than one character online. The punishment for this rule is the banishment for all envolved characters.

d) Using any Automation Method to Play

  • In addition to the use of bots, any other method that makes the character perform automatic actions without having a person in control is prohibited. For example, using a spell and after that we make a check and no one responding, the permanent ban is applied anyway.

4. False Informations

a) Pretending to be Staff member

  • Pretending to be a representative of Miracle or to have their legitimation or powers.

b) Slandering or Agitating against Miracle

  • Publishing clearly wrong information about or calling a boycott against Miracle or its services.

c) False Information to Miracle

  • Intentionally given wrong or misleading information to Miracle in reports about rule violations, complaints, bug reports or support requests.

d) Threatening Gamemaster

  • Any threats, expressed literally or implicitly towards the Staff members, in person or in general, will not be tolerated. Attempts to exert pressure through blackmail will also be taken as offence.

5. Legal Issues

a) Hacking

  • Stealing other players' account or personal data.

b) Attacking Miracle Service

  • Attacking, disrupting or damaging the operation of any Miracle server, the game or any other part of Miracle's services.

c) Fraudulent Payment

  • Any form of payments that are of fraudulent origin will result in the player's account being blocked.

d) Violating Law or Regulations

  • Violating any applicable law, the Miracle Service Agreement or rights of third parties.

6. Gameplays

a) Excessive Player Killing

  • On server there are limit for players killing before your account get automatically banished. These limits are: 6 kills daily, 10 kills weekly, 20 kills monthly.

Violating or attempting to violate the Miracle Rules may lead to a temporary suspension of characters and accounts. In severe cases the removal or modification of character skills, attributes and belongings, as well as the permanent removal of characters and accounts without any compensation may be considered, depending on our team's assessment of the infraction. The sanction is based on the seriousness of the rule violation and the previous record of the player. It is determined at the sole discretion of Miracle and can be imposed without any previous warning. These rules may be changed at any time. All changes will be announced on the official website.