Aug 13 2024 - Major Update Part 1 - Private Store
Major Update Part 1 - Private Store
Dear Players,
This update will be separated in two parts. This first one we have finally implemented the private store working for everyone. Also it's contains most of bugfixes, client improvements and balances changes. The second part will be about new contents, areas and such, that will be implemented after some days.
General Improvements/Bug Fixes
- Improved summons IA: now they will start chase more efficiently and back to the master as soon as they kill a target
- Fixed the paralyze rune that was causing bugs in the walk and other bugs when releasing using UH
- Paralyze Rune will now pzlock the caster.
- Added lock/unlock button to inventory window to enable/disable its from moving
- Added option to align charges/durations to top-left, top-right, bottom-left or bottom-right corners
- Fixed a rare bug in stackable/duration items where sometimes appear durations on stackables items
- Now when killed a monster to gain bestiary, it will go the party's leader if the party is enabled the shared experience
- Increased radiance lamp relic light level range 6 -> 7
- Now elite monsters can see invisible and do not run on low health
- Now its not possible to sell equipped items to NPC's even with dialogues
- The time to open the daily tomb has changed from (60 min - 10 hours rng) to (15min - 2 hours rng)
- Now virtual machine process will only be detected if the client runs inside it
- We added more macro programs for detection in our anti-bot system
- Changed Tibia Coins to Miracle Coins in some store descriptions
- Fixed NPC Adrenius not talking to get the keys
- Fixed NPC Alexander dialogs
- Fixed Demonrage Seal and Sacrifice Seal in The Queen of Banshee's Quest
- Fixed a bug in disconnect that was blocking from client disconnecting when pz locked. (now the character stays online but client get disconnected)
Balance Changes
- Enchant Spear (exeta con) mana decreased 160 -> 120
- Decreased Challenge (Exeta Res) mana from 90 -> 60.
- Decreased Poison Storm initial damage -25% (Before 50% of UE damage, now around 25%)
- Heal Friend (exura sio) have the formula changed to heal the same power as mass healing (160-240) base formula.
- New Spell for druids 'Revitalize' (exana kor) that remove all character conditions (fire, energy, poison) for 50 mana, magic level 8 and cost 800gp
- Undead Legion (exana mas mort) mana decreased from 500 -> 400
- Cancel Invisibility (exana ina) is now available for druids as well
Private Shop Release/Improvements
- Now you can edit your shop description inside the ui, and it will display a tooltip above your character name when your shop is active. This tooltip is optional so you can enable/disable it on client options.
- Now search is more sensitive and work properly
- Its now possible to look on items in shop
- All items is showing their respective attributes correctly
- Fixed a bugs in stackable items
- Now after all items has been sold, the character will close the shop. If has passed his idletime, he will logout.
- Now its displaying the number of items inside the container offer
- Not its displaying item charges
- Now after buying some item, the seller will first move the item to buyer before adding his money, preventing money drop to the ground for no capacity.
- Now the maximum item inside container offer is 100.
- You can only setup offers with min 1 and maximum 10000000 gold.
- Reduced the layout width for max 10 widgets for better view
- Players with active shop and idle more than max idle time will be removed from online list.
Please execute update.bat file to update your client automatically or download the latest client version if you have any issue.
We hope you enjoy the game!