Dec 25 2024 - Christmas Event!
Christmas Event!
Santa Claus has arrived, with a Christmas present! When does Santa Claus forget anyone? Whether rich or rotten, the old man always comes.
Ask Santa Claus for your present!
- Christmas tree is now available to be purchased in furniture NPC's
- Christmas Bundles can be purchased from furniture stores. They contains unique items that could be found in different packages:
- 10x candy canes
- 15x candies
- christmas branch
- christmas card
- christmas garlands
- christmas wreath
- 20x cookies
- gingerbreadman
- 10x orange
- 5x red spple
- santa rings - uncommon
- coloured classic backpacks - rare
- christmas fishing rod - rare
- candy fishing rod - rare
- christmas hat - very rare
- christmas boots - very rare
- christmas backpack - very rare
- santa backpack - very rare
- santa teddy - very rare
- nightmare beast santa relic (increase your hungry time +50%) - very rare