Abalo "O Abalo está chegando... e com ele, o chão treme, os corações aceleram e a coragem se despede. Somos a força que não pode ser contida, o som que anuncia o fim, o tremor que derruba até os mais valentes. Preparem-se, porque quando o Abalo entra em cena, só resta o caos. Sejam fortes, se puderem... mas saibam: ninguém escapa de um terremoto." |
Total: 74 Average: 25 |
Academy Aldeia In memory of Nemtor and all the battles we fought together! "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and found wanting..." Hail Aldora |
Total: 104 Average: 21 |
Adori Pix Seja bem-vindo à nossa Guild, onde runadores transformam mana em lucro! Aqui, Compartilhamos dicas, estratégias e suporte para maximizar seus ganhos enquanto fortalecemos nossa comunidade. Junte-se a nós e faça da sua magia uma verdadeira fonte de riqueza! |
Total: 84 Average: 21 |
Ak47 European Mafia Hail Austria/Deuchsland/ Sweden/ Italia and sister nordic countries. We are original war boys from nuked tibiantis and rest assured we put sand donkeys gypsys to the grave with ak47s. Friendly people enjoy best server longterm old is gold! |
Total: 5 Average: 5 |
Aldeia In memory of Hell and all the battles we fought together! "You have been weighed, you have been measured, and found wanting..." Hail Malvera |
Total: 1601 Average: 67 |
Alea Iacta Est Welcome to Alea Iacta Est. We are An English speaking guild. we're here for a good time. maybe even a long time. hit up a leader and chat a bit maybe we'll invite you. maybe not. "The Die Have Cast" Julius Caesar |
Total: 1240 Average: 39 |
Alliance Academy Welcome to Alliance Academy. |
Total: 82 Average: 12 |
Amigos do Josue Guild destinada aos amigos do Josue. |
Total: 39 Average: 20 |
Amigos do Prefeito Yalen Welcome to Amigos do Prefeito Yalen. |
Total: 69 Average: 14 |
Anti Noob Welcome to Anti Noob. |
Total: 20 Average: 20 |
Apice da Insanidade Welcome to Apice da Insanidade. |
Total: 68 Average: 17 |
Ask My Wife Neutral Guild. Friends only. |
Total: 605 Average: 61 |
Attestupa Welcome to Attestupa. |
Total: 34 Average: 34 |
Baba de Boneco 2D Welcome to Baba de Boneco 2D. |
Total: 53 Average: 53 |
Baile de Favela Welcome to Baile de Favela. |
Total: 112 Average: 28 |
Banho dos Campeoes Regras: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1tiEDNVccnI |
Total: 236 Average: 26 |
Bloody Rain We are the justice, and we are coming for you, by Luka |
Total: 37 Average: 19 |
Total: 241 Average: 34 |
Brotherwood Of Bones Bem Vindos a Brotherwood Of Bones. guild neutra, focada em evoluir e ajudar os seus membros |
Total: 48 Average: 16 |
Byggsektorn Vi är dem korrupta, de laglösa alkoholisterna från Wallenbergs Rike AB. |
Total: 764 Average: 35 |
Caballeros de Solamnia Old Lunara players. |
Total: 124 Average: 31 |
Candangos Welcome to Candangos. |
Total: 33 Average: 33 |
CAPS Atendimento psicossocial e multiprofissional a pessoas com sofrimento mental grave, incluindo os decorrentes do uso de álcool e outras drogas – Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS). |
Total: 3917 Average: 100 |
Carlin-kuntz Welcome to Carlin-kuntz. FULL-RPG |
Total: 120 Average: 24 |
Cartel Welcome to Cartel. |
Total: 134 Average: 19 |
Cartel Medelin Welcome to Cartel Medelin. |
Total: 28 Average: 28 |
Castle Welcome to Castle. |
Total: 207 Average: 35 |
Clan dos Maluco Welcome to Clan dos Maluco. |
Total: 30 Average: 30 |
Club da Luta Bem vindos ao Clube da Luta A primeira regra do clube da luta é: Voce nao comenta sobre o clube da luta |
Total: 28 Average: 28 |
Total: 76 Average: 38 |
Computer Murderers The Resistance |
Total: 92 Average: 92 |
Cosa Nostra A Cosa Nostra, também conhecida como Máfia, é uma sociedade criminosa secreta que se originou na Sicília, Itália, na primeira metade do século XIX. No final do século XIX, a Cosa Nostra também se desenvolveu nos Estados Unidos, onde é conhecida como La Cosa Nostra. |
Total: 92 Average: 23 |
Damnatus Welcome to Damnatus. |
Total: 651 Average: 59 |
Dark Element Keltera & Mythera old Friends _/ |
Total: 123 Average: 21 |
Descendo a Mamona Welcome to Descendo a Mamona. |
Total: 107 Average: 54 |
Destructive Behaviour In memory of Playboi |
Total: 2931 Average: 105 |
Divernet Team Welcome to Divernet Team. |
Total: 146 Average: 21 |
Dogs Drake Welcome to Dogs Drake. |
Total: 9 Average: 9 |
Doteiros do Mato Welcome to Doteiros do Mato. |
Total: 223 Average: 45 |
Dream Peace Welcome to Dream Peace. |
Total: 51 Average: 17 |
Easy Company E Company, 2nd Battalion of the 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment of the 101st Airborne Division, the "Screaming Eagles", is a company in the United States Army. The company was referred to as "Easy" after the radio call for "E" in the phonetic alphabet used during World War II. |
Total: 34 Average: 34 |
Eventyrernes Welcome to Eventyrernes. |
Total: 25 Average: 25 |
Fall Out Welcome to Fall Out. |
Total: 16 Average: 16 |
Feel The Power Welcome to Feel The Power. Bora Rapaziada Tira Aquela Nostalgia Infinite Custom Team |
Total: 285 Average: 29 |
Festina Lente Welcome to Festina Lente. |
Total: 95 Average: 95 |
FMA Somos uma Família em busca da Paz, mas não aceitaremos desrespeito com os nossos integrantes. “Quem teme ser vencido tem a certeza da derrota. Napoleão Bonaparte” Estamos aceitando novos membros, independentemente de level! Temos Discord e What’sapp. |
Total: 144 Average: 29 |
Forest Academy This is academy of the Forest Brotherhood. This is neutral guild made for people, which have fun as playing rpg. We are recruiting people with 20+ lvl who can speak english. |
Total: 821 Average: 51 |
Forest Brotherhood In a world devastated by wars against the forces of evil, there is not much light left...despite little hope, there are still those who still see light in the darkness... Brotherhood of old bastards who just enjoy that old good game. |
Total: 2121 Average: 79 |
Forward Welcome to Forward. |
Total: 24 Average: 24 |
Golden Tankard Endless tomes spin grand tales o’ our might an’ majesty. Tough allies an’ fiercer foes, no other kin’s ever stirred such awe an’ wonder like us dwarfs! |
Total: 139 Average: 28 |