Arrow-3 Welcome to Arrow-3. Melhor sistema de defesa já criado. Neutros até ulterior deliberação. |
Total: 71 Average: 71 |
Ask My Wife Welcome to Ask My Wife. |
Total: 186 Average: 31 |
Baile de Favela Welcome to Baile de Favela. |
Total: 136 Average: 19 |
Black Lotus Welcome to Black Lotus. |
Total: 211 Average: 26 |
Breaking Bad Welcome to Breaking Bad. |
Total: 545 Average: 26 |
Carlito No Esta Welcome to Carlito No Esta. |
Total: 19 Average: 19 |
Cartel Welcome to Cartel. |
Total: 158 Average: 20 |
Cartel Medelin Welcome to Cartel Medelin. |
Total: 28 Average: 28 |
Dark Side Welcome to Dark Side. |
Total: 868 Average: 72 |
Doteiros do Mato Welcome to Doteiros do Mato. |
Total: 179 Average: 36 |
Dream Peace Welcome to Dream Peace. |
Total: 53 Average: 18 |
Eventyrernes Welcome to Eventyrernes. |
Total: 27 Average: 27 |
Forest Brotherhood In a world devastated by wars against the forces of evil, there is not much light left...despite little hope, there are still those who still see light in the darkness... Brotherhood of old bastards who just enjoy that old good game. |
Total: 1424 Average: 43 |
Forward Welcome to Forward. |
Total: 22 Average: 22 |
Golden Tankard Endless tomes spin grand tales o’ our might an’ majesty. Tough allies an’ fiercer foes, no other kin’s ever stirred such awe an’ wonder like us dwarfs! |
Total: 459 Average: 51 |
Harmony Harmony is a concept that refers to balance, order and coherence between different elements. In a general sense, harmony means the pleasant, balanced combination of parts that form a cohesive whole. Regras 1ª Obrigatório abrir o "Guild Chat". 2ª É extremamente proibido abrir pk,NÃO IMPORTA O MOTIVO. 3ª Respeitar TODOS. 4ª Em caso de algum impasse, comunicar aos líderes. 5ª Vamos nos dirvertir,treinar,fazer quests ! E acima de tudo respeitando o próximo. 6ª Em caso de infração será votada a punição para o player. (A guild votará) Neutral guild focused on collective progress in harmony. |
Total: 944 Average: 27 |
Legends We are focused on quests and protection to our members. Always keep the guild chat open, and support our members in need. |
Total: 41 Average: 41 |
Neutral Brothers Welcome to Neutral Brothers. |
Total: 45 Average: 45 |
Noias Welcome to Noias. |
Total: 42 Average: 42 |
Outlaw Welcome to Outlaw. |
Total: 15 Average: 15 |
raiti pe ve pe plei ier Welcome to raiti pe ve pe plei ier. |
Total: 21 Average: 21 |
Sayajins Welcome to Sayajins. |
Total: 20 Average: 20 |
SMN Servicio Militar Nacional (SMN) Latin - Neutral Guild |
Total: 379 Average: 32 |
Suicide Squad | Total: 98 Average: 25 |
Total: 756 Average: 54 |
Tamo Juntos Welcome to Tamo Juntos. |
Total: 1410 Average: 64 |
Twitch Jaou1 I AM NEUTRAL |
Total: 85 Average: 85 |
United Our statement: Play freely and let the free play. We are UNITED. We look out for each other. Join us |
Total: 44 Average: 22 |