
Cam System

This system allow players to watch their gameplays and save epic moments from that. It is also used for security of the server, as staff could see any cam.

Cams will start recording after some seconds of your login and this does not affect anything in your gameplay. To access your cams, just put your credentials in the login screen and select "watch cams". The latest 10 cams for each character will show in the list.

You can also share your cam with anyone, just giving them your hash ID, located in the right-corner of cam list. To watch cams by the hash ID, just type in the login:
hash ID


In the cam screen there are some useful commands to foward, back, increase speed and goto some frame time. All these commands must be executed in default channel, otherwise it won't work.

/goto time (skip to time frame)
/next (advance to next refresh packet)
/back (backward to last refresh packet)
/speed value (change speed to value)