Character Information
Name:Vendedor De Pipa
Profession:Master Sorcerer
Last login:21 December 2024, 4:16 pm
Account Status:Premium Account

Character Deaths
21.12.2024, 15:20:44 killed at level 22 by field item and Flash Cannon
14.11.2024, 19:01:48 killed at level 23 by Nkunku (Unjustified) and Papa Cher (Unjustified)
11.11.2024, 21:12:27 killed at level 23 by Nomenclatura (Unjustified) and Flash Cannon
4.11.2024, 6:56:12 killed at level 24 by Dredoriuz
2.11.2024, 17:55:03 killed at level 25 by Dragon
29.10.2024, 19:12:05 killed at level 25 by Baizer (Unjustified) and El Karuci (Unjustified)
23.10.2024, 15:28:04 killed at level 26 by Dwarf Guard
21.10.2024, 23:16:04 killed at level 26 by Dwarf Guard
21.10.2024, 22:41:00 killed at level 27 by Dwarf Guard
22.09.2024, 18:18:53 killed at level 21 by Scorpion
15.09.2024, 15:11:44 killed at level 21 by Boffinator (Unjustified)

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