Character Information
Name:No Name
Profession:Elite Knight
Last login:21 December 2024, 4:01 pm
Account Status:Premium Account

Character Deaths
21.12.2024, 16:01:28 killed at level 55 by Vendedor De Pipa (Unjustified) and Link (Unjustified)
9.12.2024, 15:52:57 killed at level 57 by Go North and Pai Muttas
20.11.2024, 10:37:58 killed at level 58 by Dredoriuz (Unjustified) and Spawn (Unjustified)
18.11.2024, 17:05:44 killed at level 60 by Creepy Nugget (Unjustified) and Kapten Kuk (Unjustified)
18.11.2024, 8:43:54 killed at level 61 by Owneds and Egmaraes (Unjustified)
14.11.2024, 17:15:29 killed at level 62 by Owneds (Unjustified) and Dredoriuz
11.11.2024, 9:51:22 killed at level 64 by Targarya
9.11.2024, 10:32:32 killed at level 65 by Fiddlediddle and Suiiciide Krono
2.11.2024, 17:32:12 killed at level 67 by Octopus Head (Unjustified) and Dredoriuz (Unjustified)
30.10.2024, 23:11:57 killed at level 68 by Pontus and Egmaraes
28.10.2024, 19:13:37 killed at level 68 by Vitao and Papa Cher
11.10.2024, 13:59:33 killed at level 62 by Irene Panik (Unjustified) and Playboi (Unjustified)
9.10.2024, 14:22:45 killed at level 62 by Stjerna (Unjustified) and Playboi
2.10.2024, 18:44:35 killed at level 58 by Mr Uh (Unjustified) and Bill Cipher
24.09.2024, 15:03:05 killed at level 49 by Pancio Loth (Unjustified) and Kropka
21.09.2024, 20:10:04 killed at level 47 by Minotaur Guard

Account Information
Created:24 July 2024, 4:47 pm

1. No Name54 Elite KnightOffline

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