Character Information
Name:Foice Nistro
Profession:Royal Paladin
House:Thrarhor I d (Shop) (Ankrahmun)
Last login:21 December 2024, 10:26 pm
Account Status:Premium Account

Character Deaths
2.12.2024, 23:02:11 killed at level 53 by Thomaz (Unjustified) and Nightmarshall (Unjustified)
2.12.2024, 12:40:01 killed at level 53 by Dwarf Guard
22.11.2024, 19:44:57 killed at level 40 by Murk (Unjustified)
17.11.2024, 19:50:44 killed at level 36 by Know How (Unjustified)
14.11.2024, 18:58:13 killed at level 32 by Lilbrum (Unjustified) and Volpx
9.11.2024, 21:17:57 killed at level 16 by Cyclops
9.11.2024, 19:21:34 killed at level 15 by Cyclops
9.11.2024, 19:16:40 killed at level 16 by Cyclops
8.11.2024, 18:14:40 killed at level 4 by Minotaur and Wolf
8.11.2024, 17:59:22 killed at level 4 by Bug
8.11.2024, 17:56:53 killed at level 4 by Skeleton and Poison Spider

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