Name: Soulfire
Words: adevo res flam
Category: conjure
Magic Level: 13
Use Magic Level: 7
Conjure Count: 2
Mana: 150
Exhaust: 1s
Vocation: Sorcerer, Druid
Price: 1800
Premium: yes
Description: An insidious and evil spell: It grabs the soul of the victim, and draws it near the borders of hell itself! The soul, immortal as it is, begins to burn, and the victim will feel pain and horrible agony. The pain and the heat is even high enough to make the body of the victim start to burn.

The usage of this mighty spell is simple: Target it at the victim, and see it burn in an unspeakable torment! Sorcerers and druids, that really dare to use this evil spell, can learn it in the ivory towers of Edron for 1800 gold coins.

You need to have a magic level of at least 13 to cast this spell, and it takes 150 mana. The originating rune can be used 2 times by persons of magic level 7 or higher.
Location: Gundralph - Edron Tower