Game Wiki » Bestiary/Charms


The Bestiary is the collection of knowledge acquired by your character about creatures. Initially, every creature itself will be displayed as silhouettes. You can gain information about creatures and thereby unlock and complete their Bestiary entries. To unlock an entry, you will have to kill its corresponding creature. The first kill will open the entry and reveal the creature's name, sprite and its difficulty level.

To successfully complete a creature entry, you will have to unlock a total of three detail stages:
• The first stage will unlock basic information like hitpoints, speed, armor and common loot items, for example.
• The second stage will allow you to see uncommon loot items, resistances and locations of where the creature can be found.
• Once you have killed enough creatures to unlock the final stage, semi-rare and rares loot items will be displayed.

Once you have unlocked the final stage of a creature, you will earn charm points, depending on the creature dificulty. Now you will be able to attach one of your unlocked charms to that creature.

Earning charms points allow you to unlock charms with that points. Charms are bonus effects that can be attached to some creature that you unlocked completely on the Bestiary. After spending your charm points to unlock a charm, this will be available for your character to attach on any unlocked creature (final stage) on charm window.

For attach or remove a charm from a creature, you will need to spend gold coins, depending on the charm unlock points and character level.

The formula of amount of gold is: Charm Points * Level / 10
So, for attach "Adrenaline Burst" on some creature with character level 50, you will need 500 gold coins.
To remove the charm is the same, multiplied * 2, so it will need 1000 gold coins to unselect that charm.

Charms List
Name Type Attributes Points
Adrenaline Burst Defensive Bursts of adrenaline enhance your reflexes with 5% chance after you get hit and let you move faster for 10 seconds. 100
Bless Passive Blesses you and reduces skill and xp loss by 10% when killed by the chosen creature. 160
Cleanse Defensive After you get hitted, there are 5% to cleanse and removes one random active negative status effect and temporarily makes you immune against it. 140
Cripple Offensive Cripples the creature with 5% chance and paralyzes it for 10 seconds. 100
Curse Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as death damage once. 180
Divine Wrath Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as holy damage once. 180
Dodge Defensive Dodges an attack with a 5% chance without taking any damage at all. 120
Enflame Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as fire damage once. 200
Freeze Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as ice damage once. 160
Gut Passive Gutting the creature will get 20% more chance to drop magical dusts. 160
Low Blow Passive Adds 8% critical hit chance to attacks with critical hit weapons. 300
Numb Defensive Numbs the creature with 5% chance after its attack and paralyzes the creature for 10 seconds. 100
Parry Defensive Any damage taken is reflected to the aggressor with 5% chance. 200
Poison Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as earth damage once. 120
Scavenge Passive Enhances your chances to successfully skin/dust a skinnable/dustable creature. 160
Vampiric Embrace Passive Adds 4% Life Leech to attacks if wearing equipment that provides life leech. 300
Void's Call Passive Adds 2% Mana Leech to attacks if wearing equipment that provides mana leech. 300
Wound Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as physical damage once. 120
Zap Offensive Triggers on a creature with 10% chance and deals 5% of its initial hit points as energy damage once. 160