

Alchemy is a new skill in Miracle that players can use to enchant and use the power of certain items to enhance and optimize their skills. With alchemy, it is possible to convert golds, enchant training weapons and summons with crystals. Like all other secondary skills, the player starts with skill 10 and advances as they perform certain alchemy processes.

Gold Conversion

Converting golds is the simplest process to train your alchemy. You can buy a gold converter with 100 charges from NPC Alexander in Edron for 500gp and then start converting golds. You can only convert golds to platinum or platinum to crystals, you cannot convert them back.
The gold converter has a 10% chance + (0.2% * alchemy skill) of success in the conversion. Note: alchemy won't be increased if converter is used on golds from bank/npcs exchanges. Remember to empty your gold containers before a hunt, as mixing bank gold with gold collected from creatures will also block alchemy gain.

Crystals Enchantment

Some types of crystals can be used to enchant training weapons with charges, which improve some attributes and unlock new ways to train, as well as to enchant summons. The base chance of success varies depending on the crystal, and is also multiplied by the alchemy skill:
Crystals has X% base chance + (0.75% * alchemy skill) of success in enchantment.
Item Base Chance Description
Spark Crystal 20% Used to enchant training weapons to spark training weapons with charges or summons to elite level 1 for 20 minutes.
Lightning Crystal 15% Used to enchant training weapons to lightning training weapons with charges or summons to elite level 2 for 15 minutes.
Inferno Crystal 10% Used to enchant training weapons to inferno training weapons with charges or summons to elite level 3 for 10 minutes.

Training Weapons

Normal training weapons could be bought on Sam - thais for some value of gold. They are like normal weak weapons that could be used to train. With alchemy, you can use crystals on these weapons to enchant them. Enchanted training weapons have a bĂ´nus in attack interval and charges that will be used on each hit the character does or receive if its a training shield.

You can check a list of all training weapons available here.


Summons could now be enchanted with crystals as well for some amount of time. Enchanted summons are much weaker than the wild elite creatures, however it should be helpful in some hunts.
Level Duration Health Attack Defense Speed
1 20m +10% +5% +10% +5%
2 15m +20% +10% +20% +10%
3 10m +30% +15% +30% +15%

Rune Overcharging

New pure energies could be used in alchemy to double rune charges with a certain chance. This energy decay its power each minute, losing its total chance in 20% per minute, so you need to be quickly in your decision. Some runes requires minimum alchemy skill, while others requires specialization on this profession. A rune could only be overcharged once, this means a 10x heavy magic missile could not be charged again by pure energy.

Alchemy skill increase the pure energy base chance in 0.2% * skill.
Rune Minimum Skill Base Chance Profession
Poison Field 10 100%
Poison Bomb 22 38.46%
Poison Wall 25 31.25%
Fire Field 13 83.33%
Fire Bomb 25 33.33%
Fire Wall 28 25%
Energy Field 19 62.5%
Energy Bomb 40 22.72%
Energy Wall 37 20%
Soulfire 31 33.33%
Envenom 22 50%
Fireball 16 83.33%
Great Fireball 22 41.66%
Light Magic Missile 10 100%
Heavy Magic Missile 13 71.42%
Explosion 28 27.77% Alchemist
Sudden Death 55 22.72% Alchemist
Antidote Rune 10 100%
Intense Healing Rune 13 83.33%
Ultimate Healing Rune 22 50% Alchemist
Convince Creature 25 50%
Animate Dead 22 16.66%
Desintegrate 22 50%
Destroy Field 19 83.33%
Chameleon 22 33.33%
Magic Wall 37 20% Alchemist
Paralyze 64 8.33% Alchemist