Game Wiki » Balance Changes » NPC's

NPC's Changes

In our server, mages are already slowed down on early game because 2 bedmakers limit per acccount, 1 allowed client and trap listening to creature's armor. We know that knights and paladins have a strongest early game, and most paladins have their option to use bolts instaed of arrows to hunt. So, in order to ensure game's health and value of the slow pace, making supplies scarce, we made some changes on items that are selling on some 7.4 Vanilla NPC's. These items also completely take away the value of other items (e.g. barbarian axe/orcish axe), and make things much more easier for knights. In other hand, we want to make others forgotten items to have their values, still work in progress.

To make equipments more valuable, we removed the following items from NPC's:
• Barbarian Axe
• Clerical Mace
• Two Handed Sword
• Battle Axe
• Morning Star
• Battle Hammer
• Steel Helmet
• Brass Armor
• Scale Armor
• Plate Armor
• Brass Legs
• Steel Shield
• Viking Shield

Some items have their price increased as well:
• Increased soldier helmet price to 440gps.
• Increased chain armor price to 600gps.
• Increased chain legs price to 240gps.
• Increased bow price to 500gps
• Increased crossbow price to 1200gps.
• Increased bolt price to 4gps.

• Added Copper Shield to sell on NPC's Kroox, Cornelia, Azil, Shanar for 20gps.
• Added Brass Shield to NPC Willard for 10gps.
• Added NPC Asima on Darashia.