Mar 17 2025 -
Dear players, unfortunately, we'll have to reset miracle to previously state.

We don't have exactly words to express our frustation and we know that there's no enough compensation for this time lost.
This is a time that we have forced to rollback to this state due to a bug that broke completely the server economy where a huge amount of money were threw into the server.

We have checked all logs in the server and the abuse started at 14/03 - 05:00, so unfortunatelly we have restored the server to this time.

The problem has been resolved. We know that there's no enough compensation for this time lost, and we can't provide things like bonus and such, but we'll restore at least 3 days of premium account for everyone as a form of compensation.

Bacana Maneiro / Ladybeck / Brx / Dehzao Diferentao / Fugiro'Nakombi / Mago Green has been banned permanently for bug abusing.

We are sorry again for this situation and we'll do our best to provide all support for you. We appreciate your trust with us.
Dear players, unfortunately, we'll have to reset miracle to previously state.

We don't have exactly words to express our frustation and we know that there's no enough compensation for this time lost.
This is a time that we have forced to rollback to this state due to a bug that broke completely the server economy where a huge amount of money were threw into the server.

We have checked all logs in the server and the abuse started at 14/03 - 05:00, so unfortunatelly we have restored the server to this time.

The problem has been resolved. We know that there's no enough compensation for this time lost, and we can't provide things like bonus and such, but we'll restore at least 3 days of premium account for everyone as a form of compensation.

Bacana Maneiro / Ladybeck / Brx / Dehzao Diferentao / Fugiro'Nakombi / Mago Green has been banned permanently for bug abusing.

We are sorry again for this situation and we'll do our best to provide all support for you. We appreciate your trust with us.
Feb 04 2025 -
We have changed the rule 2g: destructive behavior, also with more clearly statements. Futhermore, new rule 2i: Blocking on Rookgaard has been added. Read more
We have changed the rule 2g: destructive behavior, also with more clearly statements. Futhermore, new rule 2i: Blocking on Rookgaard has been added. Read more
Dec 10 2024 -
Tomorrow, december 11, we'll release the major update part 2. The server save may take 1-2 hours longer.

The map will be cleaned, so please do not forget to take your loot today.
Tomorrow, december 11, we'll release the major update part 2. The server save may take 1-2 hours longer.

The map will be cleaned, so please do not forget to take your loot today.
Oct 28 2024 -
After the next server save, only premium accounts will be able to rent a house. You may lose your house after that date if you are free account.
After the next server save, only premium accounts will be able to rent a house. You may lose your house after that date if you are free account.
Miracle 7.4 is a hardcore slow paced server, based on cipsoft realmap real files and mechanics, but not limited to it. With the combination of the legendary Tibia 7.4 and our exclusive systems, you will have a server rich in content, fun gameplay, security and feeling the nostalgia of the old days. Enhance your equipments, collect bestiary/charms, search for powerful relics, discover new lores and much more!
ยป Read more
Mar 24 2025 - The Whispers of Death
Dear players,

With this update we have made several balances changes and new mechanics, so please read it carefully.
You could find the info of the rollback compensation below.


- Fixed issue with auto updater
- Added "Open Records Folder" button in client options
- Fixed mouse hotkeys that has some conflicts with containers and target crosshairs
- Fixed attack next/previously target from battle list
- Fixed bestiary tracker not being able to stop tracking
- Added a optional "smooth walk" option to the client:
- It fix stutterings in low level walking
- Fixes some diagonal bugs
- If the character is auto walking, the next left click will have small delay to retry auto walk
- This is under testing so if you detect any problems you can just disable it

Game Fixes/Improvements

- Fixed more map bugs
- Fixed a bug that was not possible to use runes after buying it sometimes from private shops
- Fixed not buying containers from private shops where there are stackable items inside
- Added an option "Set Default Price" on private shop to set default price for next times you setup a item in the shop
- Now history from private shop is persistent and is saved between server saves
- Added pagination to private shop history
- Fixed desintegrate rune not being able to desintegrate monsters human bodies
- Removed protection zone from ankrahmun pyramids
- Fixed NPC Edowir keywords
- Vanguard Outfit can now be obtainable from The King Tibianus who proves the loyality to the king and donate 500.000 gold for the armor, 250.000 gold for the helmet and 250.000 gold for the weapon.
- New outfits has been added to the store, "Demon Slayer" and "Huntsman"
- Back protection system but only for monsters stop attacking and with more schedule time, death loss remains the same even if the character deaths by connection loss

New World Change: The Whispers of Death

- The Shadowcore could now be acessible by teleports in Norf's Temple (thais)
- Edowir is now selling 'The Shadow Keystone' that could be used to fast access The Shadowcore anywhere if you are on a protection zone
- The Fate Whisperer is now the entity responsible for controlling the respawn time of the live world and now respawn rate does not depends on players online. Players could sacrifice 100 gold to increase 0.1 second respawn time for 6 hours.
- The max respawn time reduction still 100 seconds, equivalent to 1000 online players previously
- In near future, this world change will be used to unlock new areas on The Shadowcore.

Extra Compensation for Rollback

- After the character sacrifice at least 1000 gold for The Fatewhisperer, he will seal your fate and reward with:
- 1x Elixir of the Abyss: increase experience by +20% for 6 hours.
- The achievement "Gift of the Past"
- Knights: 1x Shadow Training Weapon (it will detect your highest skill and gives you the melee weapon based on it), 1x Shadow Training Shield
- Paladins: 1x Shadow Training Spear, 1x Shadow Training Shield
- Sorcerers: 1x Shadow Training Wand
- Druids: 1x Shadow Training Rods
- To get your compensation, your character must be at least level 20 and must be created before this current time.
- The compensation is sealed in the player, this means only the player who get the reward will be available to equip/use the items.
- Only 1 player per account can get the reward

Relic Box Re-work:

- The additional slots works now with timer. Now the djinn gives it's magic to open an additional slot for 2 days and it will only be comsumed while online.
- The third slot could be unlocked for 5k and the fourth slot for 10k. Everytime a player open a new slot, the timer reset.
- After the timer has passed, the equipped relics will be moved to the character itself, but if there's not enough space, it will be moved to the depot locker of current home town
- Now while holding 'shift' and clicking in the relic box it should look at it. If there are additional slots opened by the djinn magic, the timer will be displayed.
- Now there are 4 max relic slots instaed of 5.
- For those that unlocked slots previously in the old system:
- For 3 slots unlocked, there will be the third slot unlocked for 10 days additional time
- For 4 slots unlocked, there will be the third plus fourth slot unlocked for 10 days additional time
- For 5 slots unlocked, there will be the third plus fourth slot unlocked for 20 days additional time
- Blessed rune has been removed its functionality in relic box, a new bless called "The Arcane Guardian" has been added instaed:
- This bless still costs 200gp*level and now works for 7 days.
- The time will decrease 10% faster for every attribute that is enchanted on the character equipments (inventory)
- If you still have the blessed rune, you can use it to acquire The Arcane Guardian bless
- The bless time will be displayed as well using "Ceremonial Ankh"
- Bless Tome has been remove its functionality in relic box. Now using it you should receive the bless "The Seal of the Sages", that provides the same +0,8% protection.

Balance changes

- Monsters will now healing even on idle mode
- Dragon lord's eye 0.2% -> 0.05%
- Hero armor reverted to it's original value: 50 -> 35
- Crystals Enchantments:
- Spark Crystal: summon time 20min -> 60min
- Lightning Crystal: summon time 15min -> 45min
- Inferno Crystal: summon time 10min -> 30min
- Increased dificulty and fixed wrong spells values for all ancient tomb bosses
- Thalas:
- Added holy scarab relic
- Ashmunrah
- Added ancestral spirit ring relic
- Mahrdis
- Added holy falcon relic
- Vashresamun
- Added crescent moon relic
- Rahemus
- Added cobra spirit relic
- Omruc
- Added golden falcon relic
- Morguthis
- Added vulcanic lion relic
- Dipthrah
- Added suncaller stone relic

Please, restart the client to update it automatically. If you have any issues, you can re-download the new client

After today's update, we will focus on finishing the new areas and other content that we committed to, as unfortunately we were unable to release everything in this update. . As we said before, we will have updates every Monday. Happy gaming!

Miracle Staff.

Dec 25 2024 - Christmas Event!

Christmas Event!

Santa Claus has arrived, with a Christmas present! When does Santa Claus forget anyone? Whether rich or rotten, the old man always comes.

Ask Santa Claus for your present!

- Christmas tree is now available to be purchased in furniture NPC's
- Christmas Bundles can be purchased from furniture stores. They contains unique items that could be found in different packages:
- 10x candy canes
- 15x candies
- christmas branch
- christmas card
- christmas garlands
- christmas wreath
- 20x cookies
- gingerbreadman
- 10x orange
- 5x red spple
- santa rings - uncommon
- coloured classic backpacks - rare
- christmas fishing rod - rare
- candy fishing rod - rare
- christmas hat - very rare
- christmas boots - very rare
- christmas backpack - very rare
- santa backpack - very rare
- santa teddy - very rare
- nightmare beast santa relic (increase your hungry time +50%) - very rare

Dec 25 2024 - Patch Notes 25/12
Dear Players,

Today we have fixed/improved on the server:

- Fixed fluids not sinking in water
- Fixed black screens bug on cams (old cams has been removed for not long compatible)
- Fixed Ab'dendriel Clan Hall doors
- Fixed soulfire rune duration/rounds based on level and magic level
- Fixed paralyze formula (now it can lower speed to minimum 40 instaed of 80 before)
- Fixed paralyze behavior when sidestepping (now you can't use itemEx while sidestepping in paralyze condition)
- Fixed map bugs
- Now moving gold with gold pouch will correctly count for members of party
- Gold converter cannot be used in stacks less than 100 gold coins
- Fixed charges in the private store not appearing correctly for items with more than 156 charges
- Fixed visual bugs in the private shop
- Fixed a bug where local cams were saving gameplay from server side cam sessions
- Now local cams automatically setup in appdata when recording, user just need to click in 'local cams' to watch them
- Now you can fast swap quivers if moved item is not an ammunition
- Fixed sidestepping on ankrahmun pyramids
- Fixed destroyed containers that items were being removed instaed to move to the ground
- Options such as "duration align", "charges align", "show item charges", "show item duration" is now ensured after logout
- Now colors of backpacks on each city will be applied as well while purchasing with "buy in backpacks"
- Fixed NPC Nemal
- Fixed Door 4009 and other doors from desert dungeon
- Fixed bps re-ordering when restarting the client

Expanded Areas

- Mummy Quest, Undeads POH, Wasps Darashia, Troll Carlin West, Cyc South Thais, Trolls North Thais, Swamp Troll Venore,
Bug venore, Polar bears vega

New Areas

- Edron War Wolf, Frost Troll folda, Smugglers Dara, Amazon Camp East from Femor Hills,
Trolls & Orcs Cormaya, Wasps Tower Cormaya

Please restart your client and it will update automatically. If you have any issue with the updater, just check our FAQ
